
Sunday 12 December 2004

East-West Monastic Meeting V, Minster Abbey, October 2004

The fifth East-West Monastic Meeting, including an Orientale Lumen Dialogue Day, took place on 4 October 2004 at Minster Abbey. The theme was, Healing and Reconciliation: Dialogue for the Future. It celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, and aimed to explore ways of developing Catholic-Orthodox dialogue. The principal contributions included:
  • The Monastic Contribution to East-West Dialogue, Dom Hugh Gilbert OSB, Abbot of Pluscarden
  • An Ecumenical Role Played by Monastic Literature: the case of St Isaac the Syrian, Dr Sebastian Brock, University of Oxford
  • Progress in the Official Dialogue between the Holy See and the Syriac Orthodox Church
  • Archbishop Kevin MacDonald, Archbishop of Southwark
  • Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim, Syriac Orthodox Church
  • Archbishop Paul Yazigi, Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch
  • Anthony O'Mahoney, Lecturer, Heythrop College, University of London
These and related articles can be found in One in Christ, Volume 40, no. 3, July 2005. An account also exists on the website of Minster Abbey.

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