Every second Saturday of the month, Divine Liturgy in English of Sunday - Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family, Duke Street, London W1K 5BQ.
4pm Divine Liturgy. Next: 13th November 2021
Very sadly, the Divine Liturgy in English at 9-30 am on Sundays at the Holy Family Cathedral, Lower Church, have had to be put on hold. Until the practicalities we cannot use the Lower Church space. Hopefully this will be resolved very soon. Please keep checking in here for details.
To purchase The Divine Liturgy: an Anthology for Worship (in English), order from the Sheptytsky Institute here, or the St Basil's Bookstore here.
To purchase the Divine Praises, the Divine Office of the Byzantine-Slav rite (in English), order from the Eparchy of Parma here.
The new catechism in English, Christ our Pascha, is available from the Eparchy of the Holy Family and the Society. Please email johnchrysostom@btinternet.com for details.
Monday, 29 April 2013
Call for Solidarity and Prayer: Council of Eastern Catholic Patriarchs
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Paschal Letter from Melkite Patriarch Gregorios of Antioch
The Gospel - Ever New: Christ's the Best Religion
"In this letter, I should like to highlight the importance of the Gospel, the New Evangelisation in the life of Christianity and further, in the life of every believer and even of every person. The Church has always been down the centuries “Mother and Teacher. One of her marks is that of being apostolic, bringing Christ’s message and proclaiming it down the centuries to every generation. She still fulfils today Saint Paul’s summons to every heart, “Woe to me if I preach not the Gospel.” (1 Corinthians 9: 16) I have every confidence that I shall light the fire of this Good News, so that the Gospel becomes the torch in the heart, mind and hand of every faithful person in our Melkite Greek Catholic Church."
Holy Week Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch
"We are being surrounded by much pain and suffering. Throughout our Antiochian lands, dangers threaten our homes, and political conflicts storm our countries. As a result, man’s livelihood, dwelling, and even life are at risk. We are tried every day by death or abduction, and our latest plight is the recent kidnapping of our beloved brothers, Bishop Paul Yazigi, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Iskenderun and dependencies, and Bishop John Ibrahim, Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, and the killing of the Deacon who was accompanying them"
"As we are entering the time of the Holy Passion and Resurrection of our Lord, I invite you to reveal the unity of our Church who fervently gathers Her flock in all that is right and just. In this time, let us exceptionally intensify our prayers and supplications. Just as our Lord was not afraid to walk on the path of Calvary; in the same way we are invited to walk with Him along this path, being fully aware that by the Cross we shall conquer, because the Lord is risen from the dead and He will raise us with Him. Let us intensify our petitions as a living testimony, asking God to remove all injustice, praying for the quick return of our abducted hierarchs to their beloved ones, for the comfort of the bereaved, and for the deterrence of those people with cruel hearts, so that they may be inspired to refrain from harming their fellow human beings"
Saturday, 27 April 2013
The New Evangelization: Baptizing/Rebaptizing a Culture
Vandalism of Christian sites in Palestine inspires London art show | OCL
At Mosaic Rooms (Contemporary Arab Arts Centre), 226 Cromwell Road, London SW5 until 31 May 2013.
Friday, 26 April 2013
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Byzantine, Texas: The serpentine staff of the Orthodox bishop
Halki: US Sec. of State John Kerry urges Turkey to re-ope...
Byzantine, Texas: Eastern Catholic Churches in the diaspora
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Release Reports False | Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
Release Reports False | Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
Syrian Archbishops: Union of Prayer
Владимиру Владимировичу Путину,
Президенту Российской Федерации
глубокоуважаемый Владимир Владимирович!
Русская Православная Церковь, не понаслышке знающая цену человеческой боли и страданиям, твердо стоит на позиции неприкосновенности священного дара жизни, недопустимости действий, направленных на запугивание и насилие в отношении мирного населения, в том числе и религиозных деятелей.
В связи с этим трагическим инцидентом обращаюсь к Вам с просьбой предпринять усилия в рамках имеющихся у Российского государства возможностей для скорейшего освобождения сирийских иерархов.
Пользуясь случаем, желаю Вам мира, доброго здравия и помощи Божией в ответственном государственном служении.
С глубоким уважением,
Патриарх Московский и всея Рус
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin,
President of the Russian Federation
dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
With a sense of great anxiety I am informing you that on April 22 this year, the bishop of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Aleppo Paul, was kdinapped by unknown persons. His car was attacked, and the deacon who was driving the hierarch killed. Metropolitan Paul is the brother of His Beatitude the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, John X.
At the same time, the Syro-Jacobite Archbishop of Aleppo Mor Gregorious Yohanna Ibrahim (Syrian Orthodox Church) was kidnapped along with the Metropolitan. Both Archbishops were in an area outside Aleppo, observing the distribution of humanitarian aid.
The Russian Orthodox Church, knowing the price of human pain and suffering at first hand, is grounded on the principle of the inviolability of the sacred gift of life, and the inadmissibility of actions aimed at intimidation and violence against the civilian population, including religious leaders.
Accordingly, because of this tragic incident, I am writing to you to request that the measures, within the capacity available to the Russian state, be taken for the early release of Syrian bishops.
Taking this opportunity, I wish you peace, good health and God's help in your responsibilities of public service.
Yours sincerely,
Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus
"The kidnapping of the two Metropolitan bishops of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Ibrahim of the Syriac Orthodox Church, and Paul Yazigi of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch, and the killing of their driver whilst they were carrying out a humanitarian mission, is a dramatic confirmation of the tragic situation in which the Syrian population and the Christian communities in Syria are living. The Holy Father has been informed of this recent, extremely grave act, which comes on top of the increasing violence of the past days and a humanitarian emergency of enormous proportions. Pope Francis is following the events with deep participation and he is praying for the health and the liberation of the two kidnapped bishops. He is also praying so that, with the support and prayers of all, the Syrian people may finally see tangible responses to the humanitarian drama and real hopes of peace and reconciliation rise on the horizon."
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Byzantine, Texas: Romanian Greek Catholic eparchy expanding into Can...
We abandon Christians in the East at our Peril - Robin Harris in Standpoint Magazine (UK) April 2013
Two kidnapped Syrian bishops freed: church official
Thanks for all your prayers. Please remember the priest who was killed in the abduction, Mor Gregorious' driver - may his memory be eternal.
NB (24/4/13) - this report has now been denied and there remains concernd for the Archbishops' whereabouts and safety.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Kidnapped: Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Mor Gregorios of Aleppo and Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo Boulos Yazigi
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Archbishop Boulos Yazigi and Archbishop Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim |
According to MalankaraSyriacVoice relaying a report from Al-HadathNews, Archbishop Boulos was visiting on the Turkish side of his diocese (which stretches from Aleppo to Antioch in Turkey). Mor Gregorios had taken him in his car and on their way back to Aleppo they were abducted. Mor Gregorios' driver, a priest serving as chaplain, was killed and thrown out of the vehicle. The two Archbishops are said to be unharmed, but the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch is not making an official announcement until the morning of the 23rd April, when more details are to hand. But an initial report has now been carried by Al-Jazeera English channel.
Archbishop Boulos is the brother of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, His Beatitude John X Yazigi.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that the kidnappers may be foreigners, possible Chechens.
Aleppo is renowned as a city where the different Christian Churches - Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Catholic, Latins and Protestants - as well as Muslims, Jews and other minorities, coexist in harmony and mutual love. The internationally used materials for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2004 were jointly prepared by the Churches of Aleppo together.
Mor Gregorios is a friend to the Centre for Eastern Christianity at Heythrop College in London, with which the Society works closely. Only in the early part of 2012 was he at the Centre to give a lecture on the situation for Christians in Syria and the wider Middle East.
Please pray for Sayedna Boulos and Abuna Mor Gregorios in their hour of trial. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mor Gregorios' driver in heaven, who has called upon to give his life in service of the Lord and his Church on earth.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Archive (Catholic Herald) - Society keeps 950th Anniversary of Baptism of St Vladimir of Kyiv, 28 July 1938
15 July 1938: Society of St John Chrysostom
On July 28, Russians, both Catholics and Orthodox, will celebrate the 950th anniversary of the baptism of St. Vladimir, Great Prince of Kiev, and his people. The Society of St. John Chrysostom is to commemorate this historical event by a solemn Liturgy in the Eastern rite and a special meeting.
The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom will be celebrated by Fr. F. Wilcock, S.J., at the church of SS. Anselm and Cecilia, Kingsway, by kind permission of the Very Rev. Canon Daniell on the feast of St. Vladimir, Thursday, July 28, at 11 a.m. It is interesting to note that for the first time in this country an English Catholic choir will sing the Liturgy. It was trained by Mr. P. C. Silby who went to great trouble to overcome the difficulty of unfamiliar Slavonic words, a difficulty which is being gradually overcome. Needless to say that all members of the choir gave their work-and time free, and, by attending the weekly practices, supported Mr. Silby's devoted and competent work. The Mass will be offered for Russia and for her return to the faith in which she was baptised just 950 years ago. The final arrangements for the meeting and lectures have not yet been fixed, but will be announced shortly.
Like English history, Russian history had been tampered with to support a certain thesis. The official version was that St. Vladimir received his faith front a particular Greek Church after careful study of different religions, and that he was a champion of Orthodoxy as this term is erroneously understood in the East, But scholarly researches of Russian and Western historians and the discovery of new documents have shown that period under a very different light (see the short article on this subject in the current issue of the Month), and it is more than likely that St. Vladimir, being a Varangian or Norseman, owed his conversion not to Greeks, but to his own people.
Vladimir's close friend Olav Tryggwison, King of Norway, who himself was baptised in Britain, seems to have played an important part in his conversion.
But whatever the origins of Russian Christianity, one fact must never be forgotten : in the tenth century the unity of the Christian world was not yet broken by the great schism and, despite national, dynastic and other rivalries, there existed a feeling of the unity of the whole civilised world.
Under its Norman conquerors "Rus," as Russia was known then, was evolving into a European country in close and friendly relations with the West and with the Holy See. The recent researches of Fr. F. Dvornik, Professor of Theology at the University of Prague., as well as those of the Assumptionist scholars Frs. V. Grumel and M. Jugie, have shown that the version accepted in the West of the ninth century schism of Patriarch Photius is wrong. It was elaborated by Cardinal Baronius in the sixteenth century under the influence of false documents compiled by followers of Patriarch Ignatius, rival of Photius. Actually, after a quarrel with Pope Nicholas I, Photius was reconciled to Rome, recognised as lawful patriarch of Constantinople by Pope John VII, the Acts of the Council of 869-870 which condemned him being annulled. The same historians have also thrown new light upon the schism of Michael Cerularius in 1054, showing that the final separation was due more to a lack of understanding than to any doctrinal differences. Professor Dvornik is shortly expected in London, and the Society of St. John Chrysostom hopes he will do them the honour of speaking at the meeting of July 28.
Dr. Dvornik's researches have opened a door for the reconciliation between the East and the West: if the origins of the separation are due to misunderstandings and personal quarrels, such misunderstandings, humanly speaking, should not last for ever. The rift has lasted so long that a reconciliation is certainly more difficult now and can be reached only by the sincere desire to see not what separates, but what unites the two Churches. St. Vladimir, his grandmother St. Olga and other saints of the Russian Church before the separation belong to the Universal Church: they were the apostles of Unity and through their intercession the broken unity may perhaps be restored.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Friday, 19 April 2013
Awaiting: "The position of the Moscow Patriarchate on the question of primacy in the Universal Church"
Some recent developments in the world of inter-Apostolic Church relations are encouraging. It should be pointed out that the thaw in the frozen tundra of emotional frigidity among the Churches could be traced back to the lifting of the anathemas between Rome and Constantinople in December 1965 by His Holiness Pope Paul VI of Rome and His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople. This event, although symbolic, initiated a series of exchanges between the Eastern and Western Churches culminating recently in a statement of Holy Spirit-filled hope by the current Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew who said: "The uniqueness of the founders of our Churches, of Elder Rome and of New Rome, the Holy Apostles Peter and Andrew, as brothers according to the flesh, constitutes a motivation for both of our Churches to move toward the genuine experience of spiritual brotherhood and the restoration of communion in this same spirit, in truth and in love."
Also on the Orthodox side is the announcement that, under the aegis of the Department External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, a theological commission approved a document on 08 November 2012, entitled The position of the Moscow Patriarchate on the question of primacy in the Universal Church. It is now submitted to the Russian Orthodox synod for approval.
Fr George is a priest of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Many of his articles can be found at Orthodoxy Today: www.orthodoxytoday.org
New magazine: Theosis: Spiritual Reflections from the Christian East
Based on the success of ECP's “Fortnight for Freedom” bulletin insert, in conjunction with the Year of Faith, and Pope Benedict’s call for a “new evangelization,” Eastern Christian Publications has developed a new popular level monthly magazine called Theosis: Spiritual Reflections from the Christian East
It is distributed as a print and eZine version, and began with a first issue in September 2012.
Each issue of Theosis contains over 100 pages of several short essays for spiritual reflection on topics such as Prayer, Eucharist, Sacraments, Scripture, Holy Icons, Sacramental Living, Spirituality, and a Feast of the Month. Contributors include authors and theologians from a wide variety of Orthodox and Catholic Churches, including Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) and Archimandrite Robert Taft, SJ. A photo essay of an Eastern church somewhere in the world is also featured. It also includes the Calendar of Saints for the month with daily prayers, and a short biography of each saint according to the Byzantine calendar.
Printed in full color with plenty of icons and photographs, Theosis is printed in a pocket size edition so you can carry it with you everywhere, and read just a few pages each day. The eZine edition is distributed by email both as an interactive PDF and as an ePub format.
The annual print subscription is only $60.00 per year, or $5.00 per month including postage. The eZine subscription is only $29.95 per year, or about $2.50 per month. Single issues and bulk quantity discounts are also available. More information and sample pages can be viewed at www.ecpubs.com/theosis.html, and you can subscribe online and buy individual issues at the same webpage.
Eastern Christian Publications is the publishing arm of the Society of St John Chrysostom in the United States.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Nuns Wounded At Site of Construction of Catholic Church in Kyiv
Nuns Wounded At Site of Construction of Catholic Church in Kyiv
Day Conference: Christianity in Iraq X - 11 May 2013
- Dr. Grigory Kessel (Marburg) - “God speaks to you through reading". A Syriac monk’s library
- Miss Nadira Khayyat (Baghdad and Paris) - The Syriac Mystics of the 7th and 8th centuries
- Miss Jennifer Griggs (SOAS) - Divine Love as Revelation in Gregory bar Hebraeus
- Dr. Sebastian Brock (Oxford) - Crossing Boundaries: St. Isaac of Nineveh (Isaac the Syrian) and his Boundaries
- Dr. Anthony O’Mahony (Heythrop) - Louis Massignon on Mysticism Christian and Muslim
Lecture & Seminar: Christianity in the Middle East: Modern history and contemporary context - Wednesday 22 May 2013
Newman Room, 2.30pm - 5pm, Wednesday 22 May 2013. Open to all: no attendance charge
For further information, please contact j.flannery@heythrop.ac.uk
Heythrop College, University of London, Kensington Square, London W8 5HN
Conference: Eastern Christianity Today: Studies in Modern History, Contemporary Theology and Political Thought - Wednesday 15 May 2013
- The Changing Image of St. Ephrem in modern times - Sebastian Brock
- Church-State relations in the Soviet Republic of Armenia during the Catholicate of Gevorg VI Tchorekchian (1945-1954) and his successor Vazgen I Palchian (1955-1994) - Vrej Nersessian
- Shenouda III (1971-2012) and the Coptic Orthodox Church in modern Egypt: monasticism, ecclesial renewal, theology, ecumenism - Anthony O'Mahony
- The Chaldean Church in modern Iraq - Suha Rassam
- The Georgian Orthodox Church: modern history and contemporary context - John Flannery
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Monday, 15 April 2013
Saturday, 13 April 2013
NB (SSJC) - No Eastern Catholic prelates, sadly
Friday, 12 April 2013
The new pope and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Easter in the Holy Land from 2013: The Prayer of Soufanieh
Easter therefore was not yet happened in the Holy Land in 2013. Rather than March 31 as in the rest of the Latin Church, Easter 2013 will be celebrated on May 5th.
But to meet the needs of pilgrims coming to Jerusalem and Bethlehem this year, Latin churches in these cities will not follow the new arrangements.
Monday, 8 April 2013
The Myth of Uniatism
Of particular interest is the quotation, at length, from Fr Robert Taft SJ on the initiative for Catholic unity coming from the Orthodox Ruthenian side as a means of preserving Orthodoxy, not out of alleged proselytism and Latinisation of Byzantines by activists of the "Roman" Catholic Church.
Press Release from HG Bishop Angaelos regarding the attack on the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate in Cairo on 7 April 2013
As is well known, the Christians in Egypt are a small minority, constantly subjected to civil discrimination, deprived of the legitimate protection of the State, equality before the Law, and living in fear from unprovoked attacks from Islamist extremists with which the Muslim Brotherhood government, which rigged the framing of a constitution to privilege Sunni Islamists to the exclusion of Christians, secular groups and figures and other minorities, sympathises.
We salute Bishop Angaelos for his vigilance of the UK media when it can be deliberately unsympathetic and discriminatory towards Christians on the grounds, not of fact, but of the faith and worldview. The Society assures him of our prayers and concerns for his people, not least those in exile here in the UK with family and friends in Egypt, at this tense time.
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