Every second Saturday of the month, Divine Liturgy in English of Sunday - Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family, Duke Street, London W1K 5BQ.
4pm Divine Liturgy. Next: 13th November 2021

Very sadly, the Divine Liturgy in English at 9-30 am on Sundays at the Holy Family Cathedral, Lower Church, have had to be put on hold. Until the practicalities we cannot use the Lower Church space. Hopefully this will be resolved very soon. Please keep checking in here for details.

Owing to public health guidance, masks should still be worn indoors and distance maintained. Sanitisers are available. Holy Communion is distributed in both kinds from the mixed and common chalice, by means of a separate Communion spoon for each individual communicant.

To purchase The Divine Liturgy: an Anthology for Worship (in English), order from the Sheptytsky Institute here, or the St Basil's Bookstore here.

To purchase the Divine Praises, the Divine Office of the Byzantine-Slav rite (in English), order from the Eparchy of Parma here.

The new catechism in English, Christ our Pascha, is available from the Eparchy of the Holy Family and the Society. Please email johnchrysostom@btinternet.com for details.

Monday 25 June 2018

Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral Celebrates 50 Years

On Saturday, 23 June 2018, the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in Westminster celebrated 50 years since its solemn opening. The hierarchical Divine Liturgy, celebrated by Kyr Hlib (Lonchyna), Bishop of the Eparchy of the Holy Family Family of London, concelebrated by Ukrainian and Roman Catholic priests. The responses to the Liturgy were sung by the Cathedral Choir "Promin Nadii" (Ray of Hope). Among the numerous faithful, some of the oldest parishioners had been present at the blessing and opening of the Cathedral on 29 and 30 June 1968.

For the history that led up to this event, see:
"In Exile No Longer": Holy Family Cathedral Celebrates 50 years.