“Constantinople, Orthodoxy and Unity”
at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family,
Duke Street (corner of Weighhouse Street), Mayfair, London W1K 5BQ
(close to Bond St Underground on the Central or Jubilee Lines)
1st November 2019, 7-30 pm
Preceded by Ukrainian Catholic Divine Liturgy at 6-15 pm and followed by a Reception
Booking essential at:
24 November 2015
The Christopher Morris Lecture 2015
St Gregory of Narek, Doctor of the Universal Church, with the Canonised Armenian Martyrs
Communion of Saints, Our Ecumenism of Blood
for the 20th Anniversary of the Apostolic Letter, “Orientale Lumen”
HG Bishop Hovakim Manukian
Primate of the Armenian Churches of the United Kingdom
Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Duke Street, London W1 (Bond Street Tube)
6.15pm - Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
7.30pm – Lecture
Followed by a Reception - £10 donation suggested
All Welcome. RSVP johnchrysostom@btinternet.com
26-28 November 2014
Eastern Christian Thought & Practice in 21st Century Europe
Conference at the Theotokos Institute for Catholic Studies
Professor Andrew Louth, University of Durham
Dr Roman Zaviyskyy, Dean of Theology, Ukrainian Catholic University
Bishop Vahan Hovhanissian, Armenian Apostolic Church in Great Britain
Dr James Siemens, University of Cardiff and Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Great Britain
More details from www.tics.org.uk
27 November 2014
Constantinople Lecture
Anglican & Eastern Churches Association & Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius
Fr John Behr, Dean of St Vladimir's Seminary, New York
Take Back Death! Christian Witness in the Twenty-First Century
6 pm Evening Prayer, 7 pm Lecture, followed by refreshments. All Welcome.
Further details from AECA: janet.laws@btopenworld.com
24-30 November 2014
For beginners as well as those with some experience. All warmly welcome!
includes some teaching about icons,
daily meditative reflection on an icon, some drawing techniques and actually
and any other information about the Course to Sister Esther at esther.turvey@btinternet.com
15-16 November 2014
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Foundation Centenary Conference:
The Glory of God is a Man Fully Alive
The Rt Revd Dr Rowan Williams
Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon
at King's College, London
Details here
Booking - 01869 347457 and masf.foundation@gmail.com
6 November 2014
Christopher Morris Lecture: Society of St John Chrysostom
Filioque: Past Division, Journey to Reunion: Lessons from a 13th Century Controversy
The Revd Dr Mark Drew, Diocses of Sens-Auxerre, York Oratory in Formation
6-15 pm Divine Liturgy
7-30 pm Lecture, followed by refreshments
£10 donation suggested. RSVP to johnchrysostom@btinternet.com
Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family
Duke Street, Mayfair, London W1
21 October 2014
11 October 2014
Annual General Meeting of The Society of St John Chrysostom
5-30 pm, following the Divine Liturgy at 4 pm
Followed by refreshments. All Welcome
4 October 2014
Divine Mercy Day of Prayer of Intercession for the peace of Syria, Iraq, the Holy Land, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey & the entire Middle East
Westminster Cathedral 9.30am to 3.45pm
Mgr. Keith Barltrop, Fr. Shafiq Abouzyad, Fr. Charbel El-Azzi with the welcome and and generous presence of
Archbishop Samir Nassar, the Maronite Archbishop of Damascus in Syria
27 September 2014
Friends of the Holy Land National Gathering
with Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham
and the Revd Dominic Barrington, Vicar of SS Peter & Paul, Kettering
Details here.
22-25 September 2014
9 September 2014
Coptic Lecture: Bishop Angaelos
Christianity in the Middle East: Source of Reconciliation and Hope
6-45 pm, St Mark's Coptic Church, Allen Street, London W8
following the Anglican & Eastern Churches Association AGM at 6 pm.
Followed by refreshments. All Welcome.
16 August 2014
Orthodox Church East and West - New Vistas in the 21st Century
with William Cooper-Bailey
a fascinating account of the world of early Christians and their legacy and its implications for today
Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton, GU34 4AP
7 pm, Ticket £15 booked by cheque to Alton Abbey
11-14 August 2014
with Sir Vincent Fean KCVO, (British Consul General to Jerusalem 2010 - 2014)
Bishop Richard Moth, Bishop of the Forces will lead Prayers for the Holy Land
The talk will be preceded by a buffet meal.
brollimo@btconnect.com or 01932 846372
Sunday July 20th 7 p.m
at Westmount, West Rd, St Georges Hill,
Weybridge, KT13 0LZ
12 July 2014
20th Anniversary of the Union of the British Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria
10 am Raising of Incense
10.30 Divine Liturgy of St James
12 noon Buffet Lunch RSVP bocsecretariat@btinternet.com
St George in the East Church, Cannon Street Road, Shadwell
London E1 0BH
4 - 6 July 2014
25 June 2014
Syria and the Syrian Church
The Revd Stephen Griffith, Vicar of Christ Church, East Sheen, former Anglican Apokrisarios in Syria
Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius London Branch Meeting
St James's Church, Sussex Gardens London W2
6-30 pm Anglican Eucharist - 7-30 pm Talk, followed by Refreshments
23-26 June 2014
21 June 2014
Living Beatitude Icons
Presentation by Sister Bernadette Crook
Prior to the AGM of the British Association of Iconographers - 10-45 am
Followed by
The design of new icons with special reference to sacred geometry and the choice of colours
Presentation by Annie Shaw, 2-30 pm
£10 to non-members
St Saviour's Church Hall, St George's Square, Pimlico, London SW1
3-24 June 2014
Icons & Byzantine Antiquities
The Temple Gallery, 6 Clarendon Cross, Notting Hill, London W11 4AP
20-25 May 2014
includes some teaching about icons,
daily meditative reflection on an icon, some drawing techniques and actually
20 May 2014
"Embrace the Middle East" Annual Lecture - Patriarch Gregorios III Laham of Antioch of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church
St James' Church, 197 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL
All welcome - Advance booking for free ticket essential here.
12 May 2014
Catholic perspectives on Ecumenical dialogue with Eastern Christianity in the Middle East
Anthony O'Mahony, Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College, University of London
7pm at Pusey House, Oxford, OX1 3LZ
9 May - 20 June 2014
28 April 2014
Globalisation Processes and Christians in the Middle East
Prof. Sotiris Roussos
Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius, Oxford Branch
St Gregory’s House, 1 Canterbury Road, Oxford OX2 6 LU at 7 pm. Sotiris Roussos is Associate Professor at the University of the Peloponnese and Head of Cemmos, the Centre for the Study of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Islamic Studies based at the department of Political Science and International Relations in that university
For more details see http://www.cemmis.edu.gr.
23-24 April 2014
Georgia Celebrates Easter and St. George
7:30p.m. – 9:30p.m.
Evenings of Georgian Culture in LondonHeld Under the Blessing of His Holiness, Ilia II
Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia
and the Patronage the Anglican & Eastern Churches Association
Tamar Licheli – piano, Lela Mtchedlidze – violin, Hayk Babayan – cello
is a dedicated charity event in favour of KETI ABASHIDZE. The event will celebrate the growing cultural ties between Georgia and the UK
includes some teaching about icons,
daily meditative reflection on an icon, some drawing techniques and actually
THIS WEEKEND COURSE (April 17-20) gives an opportunity to learn about the various riches of icons by understanding the meaning of them, looking at the Trinity icon, its origins and meaning, learning how icons are painted and how they are used in public and private prayer and various ways on how we can use them in our prayer.
4 April 2014
Akathist Hymn - for the Fifth Friday Evening in Lent
St Mary's Catholic Church, Cadogan Street, London SW3
In aid of the suffering Church
7 pm Stations of the Cross
7-30 pm Akathist Hymn
Throughout April 2014
New Testament Greek Course
Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge
For further details - http://distancelearning.iocs.cam.ac.uk/
4 March 2014
De Sebastian Brock and Dr David Taylor will give the historical background and context of Christianity in Syria. Anthony O’Mahony, Director of the Centre for the Study of Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College, London will speak on the present situation in its wider religious and political context: Mok Michael Oez (Syrian Orthodox) will possibly also speak on the current situation.
Tim Bowman with Lujaina Issa will talk on the Monastery of Mar Mousa. Tim lived for a period as a recluse attached to the monastery, which was re-founded by the Jesuit priest, Fr. Paolo dall’Oglio, and plays an ecumenical and interfaith role. Founded in C6th, 80km north of Damascus, the monastery’s patron is St Moses the Abyssinian who was, in local legend, an heir to the king of Ethiopia who abandoned his heritage and became a monk in Egypt, the Holy Land and finally Syria where he was martyred by Byzantine soldiers. The monastery, under the Syriac Catholic Church which formally united with Rome in the 1780’s is a spectacular building clinging to the eastern slope of the Anti-Lebanon. Its C11th church has frescoes dating to C11 -12th. Abandoned during the C19th, the buildings have been restored since 1984 with the assistance of the Syrian and Italian governments, and the new monastic foundation began there in 1991.
at St Theosevia Orthodox Institute for Spirituality, 2 Canterbury Road, Oxford, 10-30 am to 4 pm
Representatives of the Ukrainian Embassy, Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic churches, Ukrainian organisations and schoolchildren will convene at the memorial for a religious requiem and wreath laying ceremony to honour the millions of Ukrainians who were killed during the man-made famine of 1932/33. 2-30 pm
- Christianity, Vision and Practice, Gillian Crowe, London
- The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, Fr Michael Evdokimov, Paris
- Divine Love in the Eye of the Storm, Alexander Ogorodnikov, Moscow
- The Final Word is Life, Frede de Graaf, Moscow
- Film: Sermons by Metropolitan Anthony
17 October 2013
Living Prayer in Christianity
10 October 2013
Boyan Ensemble of Kyiv: Scared Chants and Songs of Ukraine
21st Tour of the UK by "Ukraine's Top Male Choir"
Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, 7-30 pm
Tickets £18 by form from boyanatucc@yahoo.com
Saturdays from 21 September 2013, 7pm to 8pm
Lessons in Orthodoxy
at All Saints' Cathedral, Camden Town
Further details here - including listening again online
Tuesdays from 17th September, 2013, 6-30 pm to 7-30 pm
Bible Studies in St Matthew's Gospel
at All Saints' Cathedral, Camden TownFurther details here
"While praying for our brothers and sisters in Egypt, Christian and Muslim alike, we will also be remembering our brethren across the Middle East at this time of uncertainty and change"
4 September 2013
Prayers for Peace in the Middle East: Cardinal Sandri,
Prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches,
Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Duke Street, London W1, 4 pm
- Dame Mary Tanner: a President of the World Council of Churches, formerly Moderator of Faith and Order - “Staying together on the ecumenical journey: a story of bridge-building between East and West” [the work of listening and understanding of the Commission that helped the Orthodox to remain within the WCC]
- Rev Canon Dr Robert Gibbons, Eastern Catholic Melkite, Lecturer at The Kellogg Foundation, Oxford - “Eastern Catholic Churches as bridge-builders between East and West”
- Sr Esther of Turvey Abbey: Iconographer and Teacher; President and Founder-member of The British Association of Iconographers - "Icons—a means of building bridges between Eastern and Western Churches"
Symposium VII of the Temple Studies Group will be held on Saturday in the Temple Church, 10am-4pm.
- Archbishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate of the Armenian Church in Great Britain and Ireland - Mary in the Apocryphal Documents preserved in Armenian
- Aidan Hart, ikon maker - Mary and the Temple in Ikons
- Prof John Hall, Brigham Young University, Utah - The Lady in the Temple before the Hebrews: Hathor of Egypt
- Dr Laurence Hemming, University of Lancaster - The Disappearance of Mary in the Temple: An Ambiguity in the Latin Liturgy
- Dr Margaret Barker, Temple Studies Group - The Lady known to Isaiah
8 June 2013
St Volodymyr Moleben
2pm - Statue next to the Ukrainian Institute, 79, Holland Park, London, W11 3SW
2013 marks the 1025th anniversary since St Volodymyr introduced Christianity in Kyiv, capital of modern day Ukraine.
A supplicatory prayer service (Moleben) marking 1025 years of Christianity in Ukraine and 25 years since the erection of the statue in London dedicated to St Volodymyr will be celebrated jointly by clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic and Autocephalous Orthodox Churches on Saturday, 8 June 2013 at 2.00 pm. All are welcome.
1 June 2013
Visit to the new Greek Orthodox Church of St Pantaleimon & St Paraskevi, Kenton
with the London Branch of the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius
A short service will be conducted by Fr Anastasios at 10-30 am

Desert and City: Mediaeval Byzantine Chant from the Holy Land
8 pm, Full Evening Concert from Capella Romana
St Bartholomew-the-Great, Cloth Fair, EC1
Tickets £25 £18; Concessions 50% off (limited availability)
TICKETS through St Bartholomew-the-Great
The full programme at the Priory Church of St Bartholomew-the-Great features Medieval Byzantine chant, the fraternal repertoire to Latin chant in the West. It opens with music for the celebrations of Holy Week composed in and around Jerusalem from the seventh to the ninth centuries by the city’s great church fathers: Patriarch Sophronios, Kosmas the Melodist, and Saint John Damascene. This music receives its UK premiere with this tour performance. The programme continues with excerpts of the hauntingly beautiful Great Vespers for the Feast of St Catherine of Alexandria as it might have been celebrated at her monastery on Mount Sinai in Egypt during the fifteenth century. This portion of the programme is featured on Cappella Romana’s recent CD release ‘Voices of Byzantium’ published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Great and Holy Friday in Jerusalem
Medieval Byzantine Chant from the Typikon of the Anastasis (the Church of the Holy Sepulchre), including works by Kosmas the Melodist (8th c), Romanos the Melodist (6th c), Theophanes Protothronos (9th c), and Leo VI the Wise (866–912).
The Vespers of St Catherine
Medieval Byzantine Chant for a festal Vespers from ancient Sinaïte manuscripts, including the works by St John Koukouzeles (late 13th-early 14th c) and Manuel Chrysaphes the Lampadarios (mid-15th c), cantor to the last Emperor of the Byzantines (the Eastern Roman Empire).
14 May 2013
Byzantine Chant Mini-Symposium & Recital at the Hellenic Centre
8:00 pm, with Capella Romana
The Great Hall at the Hellenic Centre
16-18 Paddington St. Marylebone, London W1U 5AS
020 7487 5060
Free admission, reservation recommended by email.
Cappella Romana, in collaboration with the School of Byzantine Music and the Archdiocese of Thyateira, presents a mini-symposium and recital of Byzantine chant. Leading liturgical scholars and musicologists from the UK and US discuss ‘The Musical Form of the Divine Liturgy’ in a short series of papers and a panel discussion aimed to reach a broad spectrum of the public, from early music enthusiasts, to liturgy scholars and enthusiasts, to students and practitioners of Byzantine chant. Topics covered will include the poetic and musical forms of Byzantine hymnography and music, the hermeneutics of Byzantine chant, and the adaptation of Byzantine chant into English. Following a short interval, the choir of the Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music, led by Fr. Joseph Paliouras, will participate in a short recital with Cappella Romana. The day will conclude with an informal reception.
5:00 pm: Introductory Greetings
5:30 pm: Papers and panel discussion
7:00 pm: Interval - tea
7:30 pm: Recital of Byzantine chant by Cappella Romana and the Choir of the Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Chant
11 May 2013
Mysticism in the Iraqi Church: Forging New Boundaries
- Dr. Grigory Kessel (Marburg) - “God speaks to you through reading". A Syriac monk’s library
- Miss Nadira Khayyat (Baghdad and Paris) - The Syriac Mystics of the 7th and 8th centuries
- Miss Jennifer Griggs (SOAS) - Divine Love as Revelation in Gregory bar Hebraeus
- Dr. Sebastian Brock (Oxford) - Crossing Boundaries: St. Isaac of Nineveh (Isaac the Syrian) and his Boundaries
- Dr. Anthony O’Mahony (Heythrop) - Louis Massignon on Mysticism Christian and Muslim
16-17 March 2013
Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe
2-day conference at the Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmith's College
English Chamber Choir, Goldsmith's Chamber Choir, Revd Dr Ivan Moody
8-10 March 2013
Spiritual Guidance on Mount Athos
a conference of the Friends of Mount Athos
Madingley Hall, Cambridge
Metropolitan Kallistos - "Spiritual Guidance in the 18th Century, St Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain, St Paissy Velichovsky and the Philokalia"
Sister Seraphina, Tolleshunt Knights & Oriental Institute, Oxford - "The Athonite Tradition of Spiritual Fatherhood from St Gregory Palamas to Father Sophrony Sakharov"
Frs Kirill and Methody, St Petersburg -"Spiritual Guidance in Mount Athos and Russia, and the Theological Notion of the Person"
"Athonite Spiritual Guidance in the Tradition of Elder Joseph the Hesychast" - Fr Philotheos of St Andrew's Skete, Karyes
Sister Theoktisti of St John The Forerunner Monastery, Larissa - "The Renewal of Women's Monasticism in the 20th Century through Athonite Guidance"
Bishop Alexander Golitzin, Orthodox Church in America
Dr Andreas Andreopoulos, University of Winchester - "The Challenges of Spiritual Guidance in Modern Greece"
More details from the Friends of Mount Athos website
7 March 2013
Christians in Today's Egypt
Talk by HG Bishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom
7-15 pm, St James' Church, Sussex Gardens, W2, after an Anglican Eucharist at 6-30 pm
arranged by the London Branch of the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius
9 February 2013
PRAYING WITH ICONS: Incarnation Transformation and Transfiguration
A quiet day, led by Ian Knowles, iconographer and director of the Bethlehem Icon School
St John the Divine Church, Kew Road, Richmond
Saturday 9 February 11.00 – 4.45pm
Cost £10 For further details and to book a place, please contact Revd Dr Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski (piotrashwin@btinternet.com)
or 020 8940 8359
5 February 2013
The Conflict of Syria and its effect on the Christian Community
Dr Michael Oz, Syrian Orthodox Church, 7-15 pm, St James' Church, Sussex Gardens, London W2
A joint meeting of the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius and the Anglican & Eastern Churches' Association. Following an Anglican Eucharist at 6-30 pm.
6 December 2012
Solemn Vespers of Our Lady, to celebrate the first joint report of the dialogue in the United Kingdom between the Catholic Church and the Council of Oriental Orthodox Churches
St James' Church, Spanish Place, London W1, 7pm
The Constantinople Lecture
The New Testament Apocrypha and the Armenian Church Canon of the Bible
by the Rt Reverend Dr Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate of the Armenian Church in the UK & Ireland
Lambeth Palace, London SE1 7JU by kind permission of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury
5.30pm Evensong followed by the lecture
7.00pm Buffet Supper (carriages at 9pm)
Tickets may be booked through www.aeca.org.uk, at £23 to cover the reception costs.
17 November 2012
St John of Beverley - West, East and Northumberland
A talk by William Cooper-Bailey, Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius, London Branch
at St Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church, Lancaster Road, London W11
11 am
14 November 2012
Culture and Mission in Eastern and Western Catholicism –
Can Bishops Represent Cultures rather than Territories?
The Christopher Morris Lecture 2012 - Professor Allen Brent
Father Brent is Professor of Early Christian History and Iconography, King's College London and Professore Invitato, the Augustinianum (Lateran University), Rome
6.15pm - Divine Liturgy
7.30pm – Lecture
Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Duke Street, London W1, by the kind invitation of HE Bishop Hlib, Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in Great Britain and Ireland
Followed by a Reception - £10 donation suggested. All are welcome. RSVP to this address, please.
26-28 October 2012
Visit to Britain of His Beatitude Ignatius Joseph III Yonan, Patriarch of Antioch of the Syrian Catholic Church
25-27 October 2012
Icons Today
British Association of Iconographers 10th Anniversary Exhibition,
St Saviour's Church Hall, St George's Square, London SW1V 3QW, 1030 to 1830 daily (1600 Saturday)
Over 150 hand-painted icons by 50 members of the Association will be on view.
Thursday 25th at 10-30 am - Opening by his Eminence Gregorios, Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain
Thursday 25th at 3-30 pm - English Romanesque Painting, Talk by Peter Murphy
Friday 26th at 4 pm - Living Prayer in Christianity, a Film by Jean-Claude Lubtchansk, presented by Sir Richard Temple of the Temple Gallery - admission £10
Saturday 27th at 2-30 pm - Painting Icons: A Living Tradition Today, Talk by Dr Guillem Ramos-Poqui
25 October 2012
Christianity at a Crossroads in the Middle East: Where Next?
Talk by Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, with additional analysis from the SAT-7 Trust team
All Souls' Church, Langham Plce, London W1, 6-30 pm. Nearest tube: Oxford Circus
To register for a free ticket, go to www.sat7london.eventbrite.co.uk or phon 01249 765865
20 October 2012
The Body at Ceaseless Prayer: Real Union with Christ according to St Maximus the Confessor and St Gregory Palamas
with Father Maximus Lavriotes, from 10am – 1pm
For booking and directions to venue, contact www.contemplativespirituality.org
18-20 October 2012
The Forthcoming Council of the Orthodox Church: Understanding the Challenges
An International Colloquium at the Institut Saint-Serge, Paris
The common liturgical calendar
Autocephaly, Autonomy & Diptychs
Future of the Orthodox Diaspora
Relations of Orthodox Churches with the other Christian Churches and the Ecumenical Movement
Orthodox contributions to ethical questions
The importance of fasting
18 October 2012
Not Egeria's Travels - Pilgrimage to Serbia
Talk by Natalia Doran, Friends of Mount Athos & London Branch of the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius
St James' Church, Sussex Gardens, London W2
7-15 pm after Anglican Eucharist at 6-30 pm
14-17 September 2012
Russia: Lessons and Legacy - The Alexander Men Conference 2012
Moffat, Scotland
Details on the conference website.
20-23 August 2012
Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius Conference
Repentance, Confession & Spiritual Direction
Canon H J M Turner, Catholic Church
Archpriest Stephen Platt, Moscow Patriarchate
Canon Peter Eaton
Fr Wilfrid McGreal O Carm
Canon Brian Macdonald-Milne
Further details from the Fellowship website
22-27 July 2012
The Icon - A bridge between East and West
XIIIth International Summer School
The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, United Kingdom
11 June 2012
Turvey Abbey, BEDFORD
- Sr Esther of Turvey Abbey: Icongrapher and Teacher; President and Founder-member of The British Association of Iconographers
- Canon Angela Tilby
- David Carter & Revd Caroline Carter
- Fr Timothy Curtis
28 May - 3 June 2012
Orientale Lumen - Monastic East-West Meeting
The understanding of grace in monastic traditions East and West
St Mildred's Priory, Minster Abbey
More details on the Minster Nuns website
5 May 2012
Martyrdom in the Iraqi Church: History and Modern Perspectives
Professor Cornelia Horn, St Louis, Missouri - Child Martyrs in Syriac Literature
Professor Desmond Durkin Meisterernst, Berlin - Sogdian Versions of the Acts of the Persian Martyrs
Professor Francois de Blois, Cambridge - Elias of Nisibis on the Martyrs of the Church of the East
Professor Richard Payne, Mt Holyoke, Massachusetts - Did the Sassanids persecute Christians
Dr Suha Rassam, ISIN - The impact of martyrdom on Iraqi Christians post 2003
Christianity in Iraq IX. Further details from Dr Erica Hunter at the Centre for Eastern & Orthodox Christianity at the School for Oriental and African Studies.
25 April 2012
Have the Flames of Diamper destroyed the cultural and historical patrimony of the St Thomas Christians?
Dr Istvan Perczel, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU, Budapest
Warburg Institute, Woburn Place, London WC1
Open lecture - 5 pm
10 March 2012
Ravenna, City of Roman, Ostrogothic and Early Byzantine Art and Architecture
Dr Penelope Wallis
St James' Church, Sussex Gardens W2, 11-15 am
9 February 2012
Christianity in Iraq: An Ancient & Endangered Church
Dr Erica Hunter of the School for Oriental & African Studies, Centre for Eastern Christianity
6-30 pm, St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street, after Orthodox Vespers at 5-30 pm
A joint meeting of the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius and the Anglican & Eastern Churches Association
12 November 2011
Severus of Antioch: Was he Monophysite?
James Lewis, St Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church, Lancaster Road, London W11
Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius London Branch
11 am
5 November 2011
Eastern Christianity: Modern History and Contemporary Context
Oxford University Department of Continuing Education
Anthony O'Mahony, Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College - Coptic Christianity in Modern Egypt
Dr Sebastian Brock, Oxford - The Syriac Christian Tradition
Dr John Flannery, Heythrop - Georgian Christianity, ancient and modern, renewal and revival
Fr John Whooley, London - The Armenian Christian Tradition
29 October 2011
5th Annual Conference in honour of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
St Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church, Lancaster Road, London W11
Metropolitan Anthony: Priest & Pastor, The Influence of His Spiritual Vision
Fr Michael Fortounatto
Fr Michael Evdokimov
Karin Greenhead
Dr Alexander Filonenko
10-15 onwards
4 October 2011
How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
Tales from the Orthodox diaspora by Fr Deacon Alban Coombs
Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, SW1
Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius London Branch
7 pm
28 May 2011
The Christian Library at Turfan and the Liturgy of the Church of the East
His Grace Mar Awa, Assyrian Bishop of California
Christianity in Iraq Conference VIII. Further details from Dr Erica Hunter at the Centre for Eastern & Orthodox Christianity at the School for Oriental and African Studies.
17th March 2011
St Mary of Egypt & Other Saints
St Anselm's Roman Catholic Church, Tooting Bec Road, London SW17 8BS. Nearest tube: Tooting Bec
6.15 pm Mass
7.00 pm Talk by Father George Christidis, followed by light refreshments
A joint meeting of the Society of St John Chrysostom and the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius (London branch) to which all are welcome.
26 February 2011
Association of Interchurch Families London Meeting
St Andrew's Church. Short Street, London SE1 8LJ. Nearest Tube: Waterloo
- 11 am Welcome and Introduction, with News from AIF and the world of Ecumenism
- 12 noon Talk by Professor Antoine Arjakovsky, Director of the Centre for Ecumenical Studies, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviw, Ukraine - a French Orthodox lay theologian married to a Catholic. Followed by picnic lunch
- 2 pm Talk by Commander Betty Matear, Salvation Army and co-president of Churches Together in England - Reflections on the Papal Visit
- 3 pm Methodist Communion Service
16th February 2011
The Triumph of Orthodoxy: The Church of England and the Icon Theology of the 2nd Council of Nicaea5-30 pm Evening Prayer, followed by light refreshments
6-30 pm Talk by The Revd Stephen Stavrou
St John's Church, Landsdowne Crescent, Notthing Hill, W11 2NN. Nearest Tube: Holland Park
A joint meeting of the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius (London Branch) and the Anglican & Eastern Churches Association, to which all are welcome
27 November 2010
Peace and Love, Divine and Human
Third annual conference in memory of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, sponsored by the Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Foundation. 9-45, ending with Pannikhida at 6 pm at St Sava's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral Church Hall, Lancaster Road W11 1QQ. To apply, contact Olga Pattison on 01869 347457.
25 November 2010
The Armenian Genocide: A Way Forward?
Annual Constantinople Lecture, Anglican & Eastern Churches Association: Dr Harry Hagopian KSG. At Church of St Mary at Hill, Lovat Lane, London EC4V 4AA
5-30 pm Evensong
6-00 pm Lecture, followed by Reception
Tickets for Reception from Janet Laws, Secretary, AECA, The Old Deanery, Dean's Court, LONDON EC4V 5AA
10 November 2010
5-30 pm - Annual General Meeting of the Society of St John Chrysostom
6-15 pm - Divine Liturgy
7-30 pm - The Servant of God Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky
The Annual Christopher Morris Lecture, to be given by His Excellency Hlib Lonchyna, Apostolic Administrator of the Exarchate for the Ukrainian Catholics in Great Britain. Followed by a Reception.
Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family, Duke Street, London W1. Please email acceptance.
3 November 2010
Professor Herman TEULE
Director, Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
7 pm. G3. Main Building, SOAS
in conjunction with
ALL WELCOME, FREE ENTRY. Enquiries to: Ms. Pascale Dionnet, Arts and Humanities Office: tel. 0207-8984012 Dr. Erica C.D. HUNTER, Dept. for the Study of Religions, SOAS
30 May 2010
Christian East-West Prayer Group
3-8 pm on Trinity Sunday at Turvey Abbey, Bedfordshire, MK43 8DE. Including tea and followd by Vespers with the Community. All Welcome
15 May 2010
Orientale Lumen: 15 Years On
A conference to bring together Catholic-Orthodox dialogue since Vatican II and celebrate the Light of the East. A joint event hosted by the Society of St John Chrysostom and the new Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College
- Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster
- Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia
- Fr Aidan Nicholls OP
- Anthony O'Mahoney (Heythrop)
- Archimandrite Demetrios Sharbaq (Patriarchate of Antioch)
- Mitred Archpriest Iwan Dacko (Ukrainian Catholic University)
- Dr Simon Marincak (Slovakian Greek-Catholic Church)
- Mother Nicola (Minster Abbey)
- Dr Marcus Plested (Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge)
24 April 2010
Christianity in Iraq VII Seminar Day: The Liturgical Traditions of Iraq
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, School of Oriental & African Studies, Russell Square, London WC1. £30.
22 March 2010
Keep the Law and the Law will keep you
A talk by Fr John Lee, rector of the Parish of the Dormition (Ecumenical Patriarchate, Russian Exarchate), Monday 22 March 2010, at St Anselm's RC Church, Tooting Bec Road, London SW17 8BS. 6-15 Mass, followed by light refreshments, 7-15 Talk. A joint event of the Society of St John Chrysostom and the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius
14 November 2009
Christian East-West Exploration Day
New Visions of Monasticism for Lay and Monastics
Turvey Abbey, 10-30 - 4-30
Bishop Basil of Amphipolis, Ecumenical Patriarchate
Fr Robert Gibbons, Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Mother Joanna, Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge
Sister Esther, Turvey Abbey